Co-op Advertising
The Tourism Bureau uses its buying power to contract with print, radio, digital, and other media and then offers opportunities for lodging properties to participate in advertising opportunities that they would not normally be able to afford on their own. YMCTB pays 30% of the space plus design costs and divides the remaining costs between the co-op partners.
For instance, a full-page ad in a major lifestyle magazine could run $10,000 per issue. If there are four co-op partners, the cost per partner would only be $1,750.
Previous Co-Ops include:
- Alpinist full-page ad
- Bay Area News Group (BANG) six-page inserts
- Conde Nast Traveler full-page ads
- Sactown full-page ads
- SFGate native advertising
- Southern California News Group native advertising
- Yosemite Journal full-page ads
For more information, including pricing, due dates, etc email Aaron Demery,